The Meaning of Life
May 03, 2019
I went mini-golfing with a friend today at this place called Stagecoach Greens in San Francisco, and it's themed after the history of San Francisco. One of the holes was about how a lot of people showed up in California during the gold rush by ship, and there was an accompanying quote by Seneca, a Stoic philosopher: "If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable."
I asked my friend what she thought of that, and she said that she wasn't really a fan. I could've guessed — she has an extremely easy-going personality and doesn't fixate on goals. I said, "Maybe a version that you'd like better would be, 'If one does not know to which port one is sailing, all winds are favorable.'"
She thought for a moment. "There are no ports."