I'll Be Happy When

May 11, 2019

I'll be happy
When I make a lot of money doing something I love
An email arrives. "On behalf of Google Inc., I am pleased to offer you..."
What now?

I'll be happy
When I do fun things in fun places with fun people
Party on an island in Thailand. Eat delicacies in Japan. Climb a volcano in Guatemala.
What now?

I'll be happy
When I make my mark on the world
A man stops me. "I watch your videos all the time."
What now?

I'll be happy
When I have a healthy, strong, and beautiful body
When I can write words that make people laugh or cry or both at the same time
When I find a partner who finds my dumb jokes funny

Is it all the same?
Exactly what, in this moment, is lacking?
I'll be happy

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