Reflections on 26
I turned 27 last week, and I figured I'd do some reflecting. It's been an important year. I started year 26 of my life in the middle of a silent meditation retreat in Spirit Rock and soon followed it…
Expanding Our Circle
One way to measure moral progress, both at the individual and societal level, is to see who we include in our "circle of moral concern". In other words, who do we care about beside ourselves?…
I'll Be Happy When
I'll be happy When I make a lot of money doing something I love An email arrives. "On behalf of Google Inc., I am pleased to offer you..." What now? I'll be happy When I do fun things in fun places…
The Meaning of Life
I went mini-golfing with a friend today at this place called Stagecoach Greens in San Francisco, and it's themed after the history of San Francisco. One of the holes was about how a lot of people…
Luck All the Way Down
At 4:30 AM this morning, I put the final touches on the Intern Playbook site and queued the launch email to be sent at 7:30 AM. It's now 9:15 AM, which means that the launch happened over an hour and…
Three Months in Silence
The squirrel was back. With a distinct battle scar at the base of its tail, he was clearly a fighter — he had no problem greedily shoving seeds into his mouth while menacingly chasing away the birds…
The Betterment of Well People
"There's a phenomenon happening in the world today. More and more people are waking up — having real, authentic glimpses of reality. By this I mean that people seem to be having moments where they…
The Buddha in the Jungle
you make a facebook post about enlightenment. someone connects you with their friend who is studying with a sage in india. she found him when someone told her about a "buddha in the jungle". she's…
After the Silence
it is finished. i have done what needed to be done. say hello to post-enlightenment dk ...if only it were that easy, eh? i just completed around 3 weeks of meditation at the pa auk meditation center…
Before the Silence
hi friends, as someone with no real commitments to tend to (my grandpa's favorite question recently has been "when back to google?"), i surprisingly have the rest of my year planned out. it'll be a…
The Joys of Life in Japan
the moment when you come back to your tiny tokyo apartment after a two week long business trip in california and check the fridge to make sure that you didn't accidentally leave any groceries rotting…
Dear Mom
My mom died in 1999 from breast cancer. She was 38; I was 7. I went to Korea over the holidays and met with her brothers, their wives, and her father who told me many stories about what she was like.…